June 2019 Long Weekend Demonstrations

We intend opening K13 & the Piggery Gallery on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of June from 10am till 4pm. A number of our printers, potters and artists will be in K13 demonstrating, painting, printing, doing wheel work, hand-building and the like.

There will be a bee-keeping conference on campus that weekend with interstate and many Sydney presenters and presumably conference attendees from far and wide. Kym has created a flyer which we will be distributing around campus. If you would also like to come in on either day (8th or 9th), do some art & bring some articles or pictures for sale you would be most welcome. A couple of additional folk, especially to  join the Sunday group, would be most appreciated. All items brought in need to be removed by 4pm on Sunday so the workshop is clear and ready for weekly classes.

We haven’t attempted a working studio, open to the public, in K13 for a number of years now but hopefully it will go well and perhaps set the scene for the future.

Please bring along your lunch, your art and join us if you can.