Event at the Piggery Lane Studio on November 2nd


Beginning in November The Piggery Lane Studios will now be open on the first Saturday of the month, and the resident artists will conduct demonstrations, and workshops and activities for anyone to watch or to participate in.

On Saturday mornings resident artists and or guest artists will be there to demonstrate and to discuss topics of interest.

On Saturday afternoons from approximately 2-5 pm we will be having figurative/portrait workshops. There will be a live sitter, or sitters to work from and those interested are invited to participate. There will not be a set cost for this though voluntary donations will be accepted to cover any costs for sitters.

Starting round about 5pm we will have a musical ‘jam session’ for anyone interested in playing or performing live music, and the invitation is there to bring along an instrument or music and just see what happens… this is aimed at anyone who wants to explore this area and not aimed at professional performances!

We we will provide tea and coffee and anyone is welcome to bring their own refreshments… this is also an opportunity for conversation… particularly for those interested in the arts… no age limits